Get Involved!


Agricultural-Voting Membership

An Agricultural-Voting Membership enables your voice to be heard regarding issues that affect agriculture and your livelihood. If you have an agriculture income of more than $2500 per year, you may qualify to be a voting member of Farm Bureau. Let’s work together to defend our right to farm and ranch, produce healthy food and preserve agriculture for future generations.


Agriculture Supporting Business Membership

If you own a business in Washington State and value agriculture, consider joining Farm Bureau with a Business Membership. Farmers and Ranchers enjoy a certain livelihood, but it’s the business end that helps that livelihood exist. We understand how business and agriculture go hand in hand and how important this work is for our local economy.


Friend of Farm Bureau Associate Membership

An Associate Membership is a great way to support the work of Farm Bureau. Not everyone is a farmer or works in agriculture, yet everyone depends on agricultural products on a daily basis. At $20 per year, you can send a message that farmers and ranchers are appreciated, help fund scholarships, and assist with supporting local agriculture.

All members enjoy benefits.
See details on the Washington Farm Bureau website.


Policy Development Committee

Sarah Howard, Chair

The policy development committee is an important grassroots committee that monitors proposed legislation and agency regulations that affect agriculture. The Washington Farm Bureau policy book is used by government relations staff to lobby on behalf of Washington agriculturalists. KPFB committee suggestions are are submitted to the King-Pierce Board of Directors before submission to the Washington State Farm Bureau policy committee, if passed, then voted on by the membership at the State annual meeting in November.

Legislative Committee

Mary Schactler, Chair

The county legislative program includes state and national governmental relations committees. Respectively, they are responsible for keeping up-to-date on state and national issues and for contacting elected officials about legislation.

Membership Committee

Liz Clark, Chair

Farm Bureau is as strong as its membership, therefore it is the most important committee. The Farm Bureau is based on a grass roots structure whereby county Farm Bureaus and their leaders develop and implement policy. County policy is first determined at a county annual meeting each year. Whatever policies are adopted then go on to a state annual meeting to determine policy for the entire organization. Strong membership means strong policy, advocacy and connections with decision makers.

Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee

Jake Devaney, Chair

The Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee includes agriculturists and producers ages 18 - 35. Their focus is engaging in leadership trainings, networking, service projects, policy and leadership agendas.

Women’s Leadership Committee

Chair Currently Vacant

The Women’s Leadership Committee provides women with opportunities for growth and development to sharpen their skills and strengthen their ability to inspire new leaders in agriculture.

Promotion & Education Committee

Josh Howard, Chair

The Promotion and Education committee strives to bring information about agriculture to the community at large and ensure that our members are equipped to boldly leave their farms and ranches to reach out to their communities about the impact agriculture has on the community and the impact the community has with agriculture.

Candidate Evaluation Committee

Chenelle Tyack, Chair

Candidate Evaluation Committee evaluates those local, state and national candidates who, if elected or reelected to public office, will represent all or a portion of their county. Following their evaluation the Committees will decide which candidate, for a specific  public office, to recommend for a Washington Farm Bureau PAC endorsement.

Scholarship Committee

Leann Krainick, Chair

The Scholarship Committee assists students preparing to continue their education toward a career in agriculture, forestry, or a related field. Additionally, scholarships are given to students who are the children of a current voting member of Farm Bureau and who are eligible to apply regardless of their major.